May 29, 2012

Web 2.0 research tools

Looking for some online tools to help with your research, such as citation managers, article-finders, and more? This web-guide details 20 such tools and explains how and why to use them. Check it out on Scribd or just view the embedded version below. Web 2.0 Research Tools - A Quick Guide

Have you used any of these before? Have any favorites that aren't mentioned?

May 8, 2012

And he sailed off through night and day

Maurice Sendak, beloved author of notable children's favorites, including Where the Wild Things Are, In The Night Kitchen, and The Nutshell Library, passed away today at the age of 83. In remembrance of his works, the library has set up a display of his collection downstairs, just outside the Curriculum Room.

Read more in the NY Times article here, or listen to one of his many interviews on NPR's Fresh Air.

Rest in peace, Mr. Sendak. You will be missed.